February 4, 2014

    Bring Your Own Device or Disaster?

    In many organizations, employees circumvent the official IT-approved tools and use file sharing services intended for the consumer. Now, it appears that they want what they should have been using all along: a file-sharing solution designed specifically for businesses.

    The distinction between personal data and corporate data is an important one – and it’s one that business-grade solutions have been extolling the virtues of for quite some time. Companies that are allowing consumer services to be used are in danger of overreacting to the security concerns and killing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in the process.

    This is where certain business-grade file sharing features really show their value. For instance, the ability to remotely wipe a device clean of company data or having all of the business-related content accessible through a single application. Basically, anything that keeps personal data and business data separate, but secure.

    Enterprise services like Sharetru can alleviate the BYOD disaster by storing files in an encrypted file system online an never on a personal device. If the device is lost or stolen there is no data actually stored on the device. BYOD can work well for both employees and IT while keeping data safe and secure.



    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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