July 30, 2015

    SaaS FTP Showdown: Sharetru vs. BrickFTP

    In terms of secure file sharing solutions that you can depend on, it's hard to find an option better than SFTP. 

    Short for "secure file transfer protocol," SFTP employs all of the security measures that you need to keep your digital information safeguarded and all of the productivity solutions that you will come to embrace on a daily basis.

    There are a wide variety of different SaaS FTP solutions that you'll need to closely examine before you pick the one that is right for your business, however.

    Two of the largest providers of their type today are undoubtedly Sharetru and BrickFTP.

    Compare SaaS FTP Solutions


    BrickFTP brings with it a host of different features that you'll definitely find valuable in the short and long terms. In addition to Web file sharing, for example, BrickFTP also employs a number of different protocols designed to allow you to meet the requirements of multiple business partners. BrickFTP offers traditional FTP, FTPeS (also commonly called Explicit FTPS), Implicit FTPS and SFTP.

    BrickFTP has a flexible permissions system that lets you control who has access to what. They offer write-only, read-only and full read-write access settings. Just know that in Brick’s case, “write” also means “delete”; you can’t prevent the person doing the write from also being able to delete.

    BrickFTP takes advantage of inexpensive public cloud infrastructure from Amazon AWS. This makes their pricing relatively affordable. While AWS S3 storage isn’t fast, it is cheap and “durable” due to all objects being redundantly stored on multiple systems in the AWS infrastructure. Because of the cheap, object storage platform underlying BrickFTP’s applications, you get a lot of bang for your buck with your monthly subscription in terms of storage. However, “durable” does not mean fault-tolerant. And, object storage is not truly geared for high-performance (high IOPS) reads and writes.


    Sharetru offers all of the usability and control features that BrickFTP does regarding productivity and several more security options. But, it also brings a number of additional features to the table that go a long way towards making Sharetru one of the most robust and versatile solutions around.

    Sharetru allows you to enable and disable each protocol, giving you the ability to force users to use encrypted FTPES, for example, while disallowing standard FTP on the same port (21). Sharetru also manages a system-wide IP blacklist, automatically blocking out IP addresses of hackers and port-scanners. You can also require users to come from specific countries, such as US-only. With Sharetru you can even require a specific user to come from a specific IP address, adding yet another layer atop the aforementioned securities.

    Sharetru separates user permissions (per folder) into download, upload, delete and list. Notice that delete and upload are not one permission called “write”. They are distinct permissions so that you can allow vendors to upload files to you, but not allow them to delete or overwrite those files. So, Sharetru’s permission controls go far deeper and more granular than BrickFTP’s.

    Underlying Sharetru’s applications are an FTP Cloud infrastructure that includes both high-availability servers and high-performance block storage. They give every customer a dedicated server IP address, which also allows you to use your own domain name and a matching, custom SSL certificate.

    When you're debating between using Sharetru vs. BrickFTP as your businesses' file sharing provider, make sure you understand their different offerings first. If you want industry-leading performance and security, compare Sharetru with the other top softwares available.

    Tag(s): FTP

    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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