June 16, 2015

    See Why Data Breach is Now an Insurance Nightmare of Hospitals

    It has become increasingly common to wake up in the morning and read about yet another cyber-attack that has struck one of the largest corporations on the planet. In today's digital environment, it seems that nobody is truly safe from the devastating effects of hackers and other individuals with malicious intentions. Many people fail to realize, however, just how serious the situation is for healthcare professionals and medical organizations in particular.

    The Catastrophic Effects of a Hospital Data Breach 

    If a traditional business is hacked or suffers some other type of cyber security event, the major concern will be client and employee information being exposed to people who may wish to do them harm. This breach of confidential information could result in things like identity theft, lawsuits and more.

    For hospitals, the issue is even more severe. Not only do you have to worry about a potential lawsuit due to the exposure of sensitive personal information, but you also have to worry about government compliance issues due to confidential patient information being exposed due to a lack of security. Medical facilities are also at an increased risk from these types of attacks in general, as the type of information that can be obtained during a data breach is much more valuable than even a stolen credit card or social security number.

    FTP: The Security Solution Hospitals Can Depend On

    Despite these risks, hospitals still need to be able to utilize all digital resources in order to provide the highest level of care possible to patients. Medical professionals should not shun technology just because the potential for a data breach will always be there.

    For hospitals and similar types of organizations, FTP is by far the best way to both easily share files with one another and to keep important information protected from cyber threats. FTP naturally includes a number of features that make it one of the safest ways to share files in today's modern environment. FTP offers secure file transfer with key authentication, encryption capabilities and more.

    With some FTP hosting companies, you also get hacker IP blacklisting and more advanced security features. You could not only use FTP to restrict user access to specific files and directories, but also by criteria like country, IP address, and protocol. Good FTP providers also give administrators the ability to enable or enforce secure transmission by disabling un-encrypted protocols system wide, allowing for a much deeper level of control over how information is shared.

    Insurance agencies are no longer willing to come to the aid of hospitals that have become the victim of data breach, leaving them exposed in a variety of ways. As a result, safe and secure file sharing services are increasingly important to hospitals. FTP technology is by far one of the best ways to keep digital information safe from threats at all times.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The type of information that a hacker can obtain from a data breach on a hospital is more valuable than even credit card numbers or other personal data.
    • With a good FTP service provider as a partner, health care professionals can quickly and efficiently share information with one another and also keep that data well protected from digital threats.



    Martin Horan

    Martin, Sharetru's Founder, brings deep expertise in secure file transfer and IT, driving market niche success through quality IT services.

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