Unleash the Power of
    GDPR-Compliant File Sharing

    Stand up for privacy while sharing personal data like a pro. With our platform, navigating the tightrope of regulations for doing business with EU citizens or residents becomes a walk in the park

    Your File Sharing Just Got a Whole Lot Safer

    GDPR Compliant File Sharing and Transfer? Consider it Done.

    • GDPR Compliance: Your Privacy Protector

      ShareTru Icons-Defend National Security

      Doing business in the EU? Then you know GDPR is a big deal. But don't sweat it. Sharetru's got your back. Our platform is your secret weapon to defend privacy rights and share personal data with confidence. Keep reading to learn more about how we support your organization's data privacy needs.

    • Sharetru: Your GDPR Guardian

      ShareTru Icons-Safeguard Personal Information

      If you're collecting data from EU citizens, you're in the GDPR spotlight. But we've got you covered. From explicit user consent to data breach notifications, we're here to make GDPR compliance a breeze.

    ShareTru Icons-Defend National Security

    Doing business in the EU? Then you know GDPR is a big deal. But don't sweat it. Sharetru's got your back. Our platform is your secret weapon to defend privacy rights and share personal data with confidence. Keep reading to learn more about how we support your organization's data privacy needs.

    ShareTru Icons-Safeguard Personal Information

    If you're collecting data from EU citizens, you're in the GDPR spotlight. But we've got you covered. From explicit user consent to data breach notifications, we're here to make GDPR compliance a breeze.

    Master the Art of GDPR Data Protection

    If you're collecting data from EU citizens, you're in the GDPR spotlight. But we've got you covered. From explicit user consent to data breach notifications, we're here to make GDPR compliance a breeze across the following pillars of the privacy framework.

    ShareTru Icons-Lawfulness
    Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency Our platform enables transparency by helping you keep records of your client data with administrative logs and file access logs that are ready when needed. 
    ShareTru Icons-Purpose Limitation
    Purpose Limitation This principle holds that you must process personal data for the purposes specified to your EU customer. As a processor, we will only process or use Personal Data in accordance with the scope of our data processing agreement and our Terms of Service.
    Data Minimization Minimization of data means that your organization should handle only as much data as necessary for the specified purposes. Our platform provides unlimited folders to help you delineate your files, and it’s easy to delete data that’s no longer needed, either manually or using file retention rules.
    Accuracy To satisfy the conditions of this principle, your organization must ensure that people’s personal data is current and accurate. Our platform supports this by providing a secure place for keeping up-to-date customer information.
    ShareTru Icons-Storage Limitation
    Storage Limitation

    You can choose the number of days after which data is automatically deleted from our system to align with your organization's policy for holding personal data. You can also use SFTP scripting to ensure data is deleted in a timely manner.

    ShareTru Icons-Integrity Controls
    Integrity and Confidentiality

    We use AES-256 encryption at rest and our TLS 1.2 encryption in transit encryption modules are FIPS 140-2 validated. With flexible access controls, MFA, and more, our platform helps to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of personal data. 

    ShareTru Icons-Accountability

    Your data controller must be able to demonstrate your organization's compliance with the Data Protection Principles. Our platform lets you easily access and view user controls, access to folders, and more through our reporting and logging.

    GDPR Compliance Across the Pond:
    Yes, Your Data Can Live in a US Datacenter

    The key is to ensure that the datacenter adheres to GDPR principles. That it's committed to lawfulness, fairness, and transparency. That it respects the rights of the data subjects. That it's designed with data protection in mind.

    And that's exactly what you get with Sharetru. Our platform is built to be GDPR-compliant, whether your data belongs to someone in Paris, France or Paris, Texas. We're all about protecting your data and helping you stay on the right side of GDPR.

    So, breathe easy. With Sharetru, your data can enjoy the hospitality of a US datacenter and still be fully GDPR-compliant. It's not about where your data is. It's about how it's cared for. And we're here to take good care of it.

    Feeling a little jittery about storing EU data in a US datacenter? It's okay. We get it. GDPR, and the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, has a lot of us walking on eggshells. But here's the good news: GDPR compliance isn't about where your data sleeps at night. It's about how you treat that data, no matter where it's tucked in.

    Sure, GDPR is a European regulation. But it's not about geography. It's about privacy. It's about giving people control over their personal data. And that can happen anywhere - even in a US datacenter.


    The Unsung Hero of GDPR: Meet the Data Processing Agreement (DPA)


    Ever feel like GDPR is a maze of regulations and requirements? You're not alone. But there's one piece of the puzzle that doesn't get the limelight it deserves: the Data Processing Agreement (DPA).

    Think of the DPA as your roadmap through the GDPR maze. It's a contract that spells out who's doing what, why, and how when it comes to your data. It's the who, what, when, where, and why of data processing. And it's a key part of your GDPR compliance toolkit.

    Why? Because GDPR isn't just about protecting data. It's about accountability. It's about transparency. And the DPA is all about making sure everyone's on the same page.

    A solid DPA outlines the responsibilities of data controllers (that's you) and data processors (that could be us, or any other service you use). It sets the rules of the game: how data should be handled, what happens if something goes wrong, and how to ensure data subjects' rights are respected.

    But here's the kicker: not all DPAs are created equal. A good DPA isn't just a box to check off on your GDPR compliance list. It's a living, breathing document that helps protect your organization and the people whose data you handle.

    And that's where Sharetru comes in. We don't just offer a DPA. We offer a professional-grade DPA that's designed to give you peace of mind. It's part of our commitment to making GDPR compliance as easy and stress-free as possible.


    Ready to take the
    guesswork out of GDPR?

    Schedule your demo with Sharetru today. Let's make GDPR compliance with file sharing and transfer something to celebrate, not dread.

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