Sharetru Custom Images_Automatio
    unlease efficiency

    Revolutionize Your Workflows

    Experience the power of automation - streamline processes, boost productivity, shorten processing times to maximize your operational efficiency, and secure your data.

    Tour Our Automation Features

    Automate to Innovate

    Ditch the manual processes and embrace the future with Sharetru's automated file transfer. Our platform is designed to maximize administrative efficiencies, offering a variety of automation options that make platform and data management a breeze for both users and administrators

    • API Access

      Your Key to Comprehensive Platform Management

      Unlock the power of our platform with our API. Imagine a world where managing File Transfer Services, Users, Folders, Permissions, and Network Rules is as easy as a walk in the park -- and the administrative burden associated with these functions is automated. That's the reality we offer. But we don't stop there. We're also handing you the keys to fortress-like security, with automatic Admin and File Logs and routine API key refreshes. It's not just about unlocking potential—it's about transforming the way you work, making it smoother, more efficient, and secure.


      With our API, you're not just managing our platform, you're mastering it.

    • Bcc Mailbox Notification Journaling

      Your Silent Partner in Compliance and Security

      In the dynamic realm of data management, it's the seemingly minor details, like Bcc Mailbox Journaling, that often prove to be game-changers. Think of it as a silent, diligent partner, tirelessly working behind the scenes, keeping a meticulous record of every notification email that traverses our system. This feature's value lies in its ability to ensure compliance, enhance security, and provide peace of mind. Compliance is key in many industries where maintaining communication records isn't just good practice, but a legal necessity. Bcc Mailbox Journaling prepares you for audits and showcases your adherence to regulations like SOX, SEA, NASD, GLBA, FIPPA, HIPAA, USA Patriot Act, GDPR, and JPIPA instantly.


      From a security perspective, in the unfortunate event of a data breach or dispute, a comprehensive email record is invaluable, acting as a surveillance system for your communications.

    • Inactive User Suspension

      The Unsung Hero of Your Data Security Strategy

      In the grand scheme of data management, some features steal the limelight while others, like Inactive User Suspension, quietly work their magic in the background. But don't let its low-key nature fool you. This feature is a powerhouse when it comes to maintaining the security and integrity of your platform.


      • Firstly, it's about minimizing risk. Every user account, especially inactive ones, can be a potential gateway for cyber threats. By automatically suspending inactive users, you're effectively closing unused gates, making it harder for unauthorized access to occur.
      • Secondly, it's about resource optimization. Maintaining inactive user accounts can consume valuable system management time. With automatic suspension, you're ensuring your platform runs optimally, focusing your time on active users.
      • Finally, it's about control and compliance. Inactive User Suspension gives you more control over your user base and helps maintain compliance with data protection regulations.


    • Inactive User Deletion

      A Proactive Approach to Platform Security and Efficiency

      Imagine a feature that not only suspends inactive users but also automatically cleans up after them, like a diligent housekeeper maintaining order in a bustling mansion. That's what automatic deletion of suspended users brings to the table. This feature is a valuable asset for several reasons.


      • Firstly, it's about security. Every user account, even a suspended one, can be a potential entry point for cyber threats. By automatically deleting suspended users after a certain period, you're ensuring that these dormant accounts don't become backdoors into your system.
      • Secondly, it's about control. This feature gives you more power over your user base, ensuring that your platform remains a dynamic, active community, where only users who truly need the platform, keep access..
    • Scheduled User Suspension

      Streamlining Access Management for Future Efficiency

      Imagine having the power to control user access by simply entering in a future date. By scheduling a suspension, you're not just planning ahead, you're freeing yourself from the need to remember or set calendar reminders. It's a set-it-and-forget-it solution that enhances control, boosts efficiency, and lets you focus on what matters most, knowing that user access management is happening automatically, right on schedule.

    • Granular Folder & File Retention Policies

      Tailored Data Management for Optimized Storage

      Imagine being able to tailor your file retention policies right down to the folder level. That's the power of custom file retention policies in Sharetru's platform. This feature brings a new level of precision and flexibility to your data management, allowing you to set unique retention rules for each folder based on its specific needs. It's like having a bespoke suit:  each piece of data is held just as long as needed, perfectly tailored to fit the needs of the information, optimizing storage and enhancing compliance.


      And custom file retention rules aren't just a feature—they're your secret weapon in navigating the complex world of compliance. By enabling you to tailor your data retention to meet industry-specific regulations and laws, they transform a typically daunting task into a manageable, streamlined process.

    • Email Notifications

      Your Alert System for File Activity

      Welcome to a world where you're always connected, always informed. With our system, you'll receive unlimited, detailed email notifications for every file upload, download, deletion, or sharing link. But we take it a step further. Want to keep get alerted on a specific user's actions in a folder? You got it. You can set up alerts to be triggered by actions from specific individuals within a folder. And when it comes to storage, we've got you covered. Be it a sitewide threshold or a specific directory limit, you'll be the first to know when it's time to make space. It's more than just notifications—it's about giving you the power to monitor our platform on your terms.

    • Transfer Automation

      Revolutionizing Your Data Management Workflow

      Effortlessly integrate your system with a diverse range of applications, including legacy software, ensuring a seamless and secure connection. Streamline your file workflows by automating processes using advanced file transfer protocols that adhere to the ever-changing industry standards and regulations.

    Your Key to Comprehensive Platform Management

    Unlock the power of our platform with our API. Imagine a world where managing File Transfer Services, Users, Folders, Permissions, and Network Rules is as easy as a walk in the park -- and the administrative burden associated with these functions is automated. That's the reality we offer. But we don't stop there. We're also handing you the keys to fortress-like security, with automatic Admin and File Logs and routine API key refreshes. It's not just about unlocking potential—it's about transforming the way you work, making it smoother, more efficient, and secure.


    With our API, you're not just managing our platform, you're mastering it.

    Your Silent Partner in Compliance and Security

    In the dynamic realm of data management, it's the seemingly minor details, like Bcc Mailbox Journaling, that often prove to be game-changers. Think of it as a silent, diligent partner, tirelessly working behind the scenes, keeping a meticulous record of every notification email that traverses our system. This feature's value lies in its ability to ensure compliance, enhance security, and provide peace of mind. Compliance is key in many industries where maintaining communication records isn't just good practice, but a legal necessity. Bcc Mailbox Journaling prepares you for audits and showcases your adherence to regulations like SOX, SEA, NASD, GLBA, FIPPA, HIPAA, USA Patriot Act, GDPR, and JPIPA instantly.


    From a security perspective, in the unfortunate event of a data breach or dispute, a comprehensive email record is invaluable, acting as a surveillance system for your communications.

    The Unsung Hero of Your Data Security Strategy

    In the grand scheme of data management, some features steal the limelight while others, like Inactive User Suspension, quietly work their magic in the background. But don't let its low-key nature fool you. This feature is a powerhouse when it comes to maintaining the security and integrity of your platform.


    • Firstly, it's about minimizing risk. Every user account, especially inactive ones, can be a potential gateway for cyber threats. By automatically suspending inactive users, you're effectively closing unused gates, making it harder for unauthorized access to occur.
    • Secondly, it's about resource optimization. Maintaining inactive user accounts can consume valuable system management time. With automatic suspension, you're ensuring your platform runs optimally, focusing your time on active users.
    • Finally, it's about control and compliance. Inactive User Suspension gives you more control over your user base and helps maintain compliance with data protection regulations.


    A Proactive Approach to Platform Security and Efficiency

    Imagine a feature that not only suspends inactive users but also automatically cleans up after them, like a diligent housekeeper maintaining order in a bustling mansion. That's what automatic deletion of suspended users brings to the table. This feature is a valuable asset for several reasons.


    • Firstly, it's about security. Every user account, even a suspended one, can be a potential entry point for cyber threats. By automatically deleting suspended users after a certain period, you're ensuring that these dormant accounts don't become backdoors into your system.
    • Secondly, it's about control. This feature gives you more power over your user base, ensuring that your platform remains a dynamic, active community, where only users who truly need the platform, keep access..

    Streamlining Access Management for Future Efficiency

    Imagine having the power to control user access by simply entering in a future date. By scheduling a suspension, you're not just planning ahead, you're freeing yourself from the need to remember or set calendar reminders. It's a set-it-and-forget-it solution that enhances control, boosts efficiency, and lets you focus on what matters most, knowing that user access management is happening automatically, right on schedule.

    Tailored Data Management for Optimized Storage

    Imagine being able to tailor your file retention policies right down to the folder level. That's the power of custom file retention policies in Sharetru's platform. This feature brings a new level of precision and flexibility to your data management, allowing you to set unique retention rules for each folder based on its specific needs. It's like having a bespoke suit:  each piece of data is held just as long as needed, perfectly tailored to fit the needs of the information, optimizing storage and enhancing compliance.


    And custom file retention rules aren't just a feature—they're your secret weapon in navigating the complex world of compliance. By enabling you to tailor your data retention to meet industry-specific regulations and laws, they transform a typically daunting task into a manageable, streamlined process.

    Your Alert System for File Activity

    Welcome to a world where you're always connected, always informed. With our system, you'll receive unlimited, detailed email notifications for every file upload, download, deletion, or sharing link. But we take it a step further. Want to keep get alerted on a specific user's actions in a folder? You got it. You can set up alerts to be triggered by actions from specific individuals within a folder. And when it comes to storage, we've got you covered. Be it a sitewide threshold or a specific directory limit, you'll be the first to know when it's time to make space. It's more than just notifications—it's about giving you the power to monitor our platform on your terms.

    Revolutionizing Your Data Management Workflow

    Effortlessly integrate your system with a diverse range of applications, including legacy software, ensuring a seamless and secure connection. Streamline your file workflows by automating processes using advanced file transfer protocols that adhere to the ever-changing industry standards and regulations.

    Embracing Automation: The Game-Changer
    in File Sharing

    Relying on manual processes can feel like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket—tedious and inefficient.From deleting files one by one to sending individual emails for each file action, manual methods can throttle your operation's efficiency. And it's not just large businesses that feel the pinch. Even for small businesses, managing files without automation is akin to navigating a maze without a map. Automation in file sharing isn't just important—it's indispensable.

    In the bustling digital landscape, large organizations teeming with internal and external users are finding a powerful ally in automation. It's not just about sharing data—it's about doing it securely and efficiently. Automation empowers administrators to craft file purge rules, pen scripts for specific actions, and execute tasks that simplify managing a sea of responsibilities across a multitude of users and a staggering number of files.


    Get a Closer Look

    You don’t have to take our word for it. We’ve been leading the charge in secure online file sharing since the very beginning, and we’d love to show you how we do it. Schedule your demo today.

    Book Your Demo