FTP Today has deployed our new web interface for secure file transfer to all customer FTP sites. The new interface has been in development for many months in an effort to eliminate any and all obstacles to end user browser compatibility.
Benefits of the the new Web Interface:
- Uses only HTTPS
- Compatible with any Web browser.
- Uses Standard port 443.
- No special firewall rules necessary.
- No Java or other plugin required!
- Compatible with native web browsers.
- Compatible with mobile devices such as iPad.
- Java and constant changes in Java Security have been the bane of many-a-user's existence for some time. No longer.
- Familiar Ease of Use
- Click a folder to Navigate.
- Click a file to Download.
- Multiple ways to Upload.
- Select one or more files or folders to Cut, Copy, Rename or Delete.
- Same operations available as Right Click Options.
- Drag & Drop to & from Windows Explorer.
How it Works

The first thing users see in their browser is a Login page. After supplying their user credentials, they are taken to their Home Workspace.

If their Home is the Root (as in the example above), they can then navigate to any Workspace (given permissions to see and access, that is). Now they can access files and sub-folders.

Clicking the Menu icon will allow them to switch between the Web Interface and the Java Interface, should they need more enhanced file transfer capabilities.

If they select the Java Interface, they are automatically logged in via SFTP and will see the two-pane view of the Java FTP Client.

Please note that the Java Interface now requires port 22 to be open on the user's network firewall. Port 22 is normally open by default.